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You can’t play with us, you’re a girl!
Those cruel words break Leoni’s heart and shatter her dream. Daddy, however, has different plans for his little girl. He not only finds a baseball team for his daughter, he teaches her lessons of perseverance, self-esteem, and inner strength along the way. Lovable Leoni is a heroic display of girl power that will take the world by storm!

You can’t sit with us, this is the cool table, go eat lunch by yourself!
Kaitlyn never hears those words, she’s the most popular girl in school. However, she has a decision to make one day when she observes that not everyone in school gets treated the same way that she does. Will she take the easy way out and follow the cool crowd or will she display integrity for all to see and make the cool crowd follow her? Cool Kaitlyn is a triumphant tale of what the world looks like when we all treat each other as equals!

Imagine going hungry every day. Then, imagine meeting someone caring enough to feed you. Now, imagine how that would bring the two of you together. That is where Jeffrey and Jericho find themselves in this epic display of selflessness and giving. Generous Jeffrey is a brilliant lesson about brotherhood and unbreakable bonds!

Are you always nice to people? Do you ever laugh at anyone else? Do you help someone when you see them struggling with something that you’re good at? Nolan tackles all of these questions head on with sensitivity, honesty, and honor. Noble Nolan is a must read for all children as it teaches the golden rule and treating others the way we ourselves would like to be treated!

Imagine finishing last no matter how hard you try to finish first. Now, imagine having that helpless feeling over and over again. This is where Enoch finds himself. Fortunately for him, Mom turns his failure into fire and his helpless into hope. Mom motivates him and inspires him to become something greater than he ever imagined. Eager Enoch is a powerful example of what the human spirit is capable of when you refuse to quit on yourself!

This is true, we are all guilty of sins of commission. However, there’s a second type of sin rarely talked about, sins of omission. This is where we see something that we know is clearly wrong, but we omit ourselves from the equation because it doesn’t involve us directly. Of course, it’s always easier to act like we didn’t see someone in need and ignore the obvious, but what if we choose to do the opposite? Fearless Felix is a truly rewarding story of what the world looks like when we stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about how we can help!

Let’s face it, we all love our grandparents!
We owe them so much, we wouldn’t be here without them. Their wisdom, their support, and of course their love. This book is a gift to our grandparents for all of the unbelievable gifts that they have given us!

Why, yes it is, but not nearly as fly as the message being conveyed by the kid who’s wearing the suit. The cover of the book is flawless, but Eli teaches us that what’s inside the book is always more important. A sharp dresser with an even sharper delivery, Fly Eli is a loving lesson with a very meaningful message!

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all! Imagine if we all lived by that rule. Now, imagine how much more peace and harmony would exist in the world. Nice Nicki is a beautiful tale of what it looks like when we turn our hatred into hope and our loathing into love. Nicki chose to unite the world through song, but there are other ways to achieve this goal. Now it’s your turn to choose how you will bring people together. Ready, Set, Go make the world a better place!

Mentor,Optimist,Teacher,Health expert,Event coordinator,Registered nurse
Our Mothers are all of these things, mentoring us and steering us in the right direction, always remaining optimistic and keeping us thinking positive, and teaching us right from wrong as we go along life’s journey. Mothers are our health experts, always knowing exactly what we need and when we need it. Mothers are our event coordinators, always keeping our schedules organized and getting us where we need to go on time. And when we get sick, Mothers are our loving nurses, healing us in record time. So here’s to all of the amazing women who spend zero percent of their time thinking about themselves and one hundred percent of their time thinking about everyone else. Thank You, and We Love You!

Respectful Richie
Respectful Richie puts these sayings on display as a father teaches his son tough love. Richie’s Dad teaches him to ignore the material things in life and pay attention to the meaningful things instead. There’s a difference between wants and needs, and this book triumphantly teaches that if you’ll just humbly accept all of your needs, you will actually receive much more than you ever wanted in the end!
There’s a proper procedure to everything we do in life. If you follow that procedure, you will end up ten steps ahead of where you would have ended up if you settled for the shortcut. Patience is a virtue, and there is no such thing as an overnight success. Pen and Jen teach us these lessons as they work their way up from the cellar to the penthouse in this inspiring rags to riches story. It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish, so prepare to be amazed at where you can end up in life if you’re willing to do things the right way an run an honest race!
There’s nothing like going to the playground! The slides, the jungle gym, and of course the swings. That is where Kylee’s mind was at when she entered the bank with her parents. Little did she know, her small world was about to change in a big way. You’ll surely enjoy this story of heroism and courage against all odds. Hang on, you’re in for a wild ride!
Cancer patients are beautiful! This book was written to honor all of the incredibly brave families throughout the world who battle cancer each and every day. Hopefully, in some small way, this book can help inspire you in your fight and help you on your journey. GOD Bless all of you, We Love You, Don’t Give Up!

Nifty Nicholas
Imagine everything going right for you, but then you look at your best friend, and they are not enjoying the same success. Would you be selfish and think, I got mine, nothing else matters? Or would you be selfless and reach back down and pull your friend up to your newfound height? Everything that we receive in life is a blessing, and all blessings are gifts. Therefore, we must acknowledge that we were very fortunate to receive these gifts and then share them with others who have less. Nifty Nicholas is a beautiful example of what it looks like when we put that knowledge to use and enjoy others’ success as much as our own.